Festival Hall

From Culture.si

The Festival Hall, renowned as a space for inter-generational social events in Ljubljana, is housed in a building built between 1936 and 1941 based ont he plans by Jože Plečnik, originally to be part of the Baraga Theological Seminary. However, in 1956 architect Anton Bitenc rearranged the central part of the building for the use of Festival Hall. Since 1963, the Pionirski dom Youth Culture Centre oversees the operations of the Festival Hall.

A monumental staircase, lined with massive pillars and decorative sculptures, leads to the large hall which hosts numerous national and international dance events, concerts, conferences, fashion shows, end of school dances, weddings, and other events every year. Interested organisations and individuals may rent the hall for various social and cultural events and workshops. The place can cater for up to a 1000 visitors.

See also

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... more about "Festival Hall"
Festivalna dvorana +
46.061 +
Festivalna dvorana +
14.51 +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Vilharjeva cesta 11 +
The Festival HallThe Festival Hall, renowned as a space for inter-generational social events in Ljubljana, is housed in a building built between 1936 and 1941 based ont he plans by Jože Plečnik, originally to be part of the Baraga Theological Seminary.e part of the Baraga Theological Seminary. +
The Festival Hall, renowned as a space for inter-generational social events in Ljubljana, is housed in a building built between 1936 and 1941 based ont he plans by Jože Plečnik, originally to be part of the Baraga Theological Seminary. +
+386 / 1 2348 204 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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